Jet Flight

Jet Flight sehr gutes Programm aus faisal khan

Release-Datum 10 years ago 1.0 version.
Do you like aircraft combat? Love drawing your own game graphics? Want a low-key, relaxed gaming experience? Well then, youve come to the right place. A Jet Flight is a wonderfully fun and refreshingly simple game that’s guaranteed to make you giggle.

The first thing you need to do is draw/import your plane. That’s right, you get to create what you’ll fly in to swoop down and destroy your enemy. Will you be the Red Baron? Maybe a P-51 is more your style. Most likely, your design will look a lot funnier than any plane youve ever seen.
To maneuver your aircraft, you have the option of using a tilt control, touch screen and tilt together, or just touch screen play.