SSTV Slow Scan TV

SSTV Slow Scan TV sehr gutes Programm aus Black Cat Systems

Release-Datum 14 years ago 2.0 version.
Want to display or send SSTV transmissions, without using a bulky computer? SSTV Pad lets you decode and display Ham (Amateur) Radio SSTV (Slow Scan TV) transmissions. Just connect your device to an HF radio (or even set it next to the radios speaker), tune in an SSTV frequency, and watch the pictures. SSTV Pad decodes all of the popular SSTV modes, including Robot, Scottie, Martin, and more. Some modes are receive only.

Decoding of SSTV transmissions begins automatically as soon as the start of image audio signals are detected, and the image format is automatically selected. Manual control is also available for use when receiving conditions are poor. Timing signals (phase and skew) can be adjusted to compensate for mismatches with the sending station.

Received images can be saved - including automatically as they are received. You can leave the app running unattended, and come back to view all the received images. You can review saved images, as well as send them via email, and use iTunes file sharing to transfer them to your computer. You can even share them on your Facebook page, or tweet them to your followers, directly from the app! (iOS 6 and later)

You can also transmit images, taken from your saved photos or taken with your devices camera. Text, such as your callsign, can be added to the sent image.

Buy your copy right now, and start decoding and displaying SSTV transmissions in minutes. Just set your iPhone or iPad next to the radio speaker, and watch the pictures come rolling in.

Note: If you cannot see the transmit button, go to the Accessibility settings for your device and turn Button Shapes OFF. It makes the buttons too large so you cannot see them all.

Also, It is very important to have a well tuned signal of good quality, and make sure you get the audio from your radio to your device without adding additional distortion, or auto start and mode detect will not work optimally. Please see this page for tips on using the app and connecting your radio:

You can also use Bluetooth audio devices to feed audio into your device. Please be sure to use a good quality Bluetooth device, that does not distort the audio.

Modes supported for reception (not all modes can be transmitted):
B&W 8 sec
B&W 12 sec
B&W 24 sec
B&W 36 sec
Martin M1
Martin M1
Martin M2
Martin M3
Martin M4
PD 50
PD 90
PD 120
PD 160
PD 180
PD 240
PD 290
Robot 12C
Robot 24C
Robot 36C
Robot 72C
SC-1 32 sec
SC-1 16 sec
SC-1 8 sec
Scottie S1
Scottie S2
Scottie S3
Scottie S4
Scottie DX