Baking Soda - Tube Cleaner

Baking Soda - Tube Cleaner sehr gutes Programm aus And a Dinosaur

Release-Datum 3 years ago 1.1.8 version.
VINEGAR USERS: You can get a 50% discount by completing the Fizzy Water Bundle!

Baking Soda is a Safari extension that replaces custom video players (except the YouTube player) with a minimal HTML video tag.

Baking Soda is more basic than Vinegar. Unlike Vinegar, Baking Soda doesnt block ads or let you switch the video quality. If Baking Soda doesnt work on certain websites, you can easily disable it in the settings.

Note: The "can read and alter webpages" text in the permission section is just unfortunate wording. Baking Soda needs access to the web page to find video players and replace them. Its not doing anything creepy!