Beauty lists for book lovers

Beauty lists for book lovers sehr gutes Programm aus 6 SUNFLOWERS Ltd.

Release-Datum 7 years ago 1.3 version.
Beauty Lists is a budgeting tool for beauty enthusiasts and book lovers. The beauty industry is growing, and its so tempting to buy clothes and makeup you dont really need. There are so many books you want to read and so little time, so make sure you read the books you purchase.
This app allows you to:
- Create wish lists for every season and for your birthday. Each wish list has a unique custom design and helps you plan your budget.
- Make a wish list of the books you want to read. This list is also specially designed, and you can add your friends’ book recommendations without the need for an internet connection. This feature is a must for every reader, as it also gives you the opportunity to plan your book budget.
- Read articles about beauty and get new book recommendations.
- Keep track of your unnecessary purchases and unread books.
 Beauty lists for book lovers Herunterladen von Apple App Store

Andere Anwendungen von 6 SUNFLOWERS Ltd.

Beauty lists for book lovers
Step out of your comfort zone