Catholic All-In-1

Catholic All-In-1 sehr gutes Programm aus greg fairbrother

Release-Datum 11 years ago 23.2 version.
This bible app has been reviewed and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

This app does not require a internet connection to read the bible. The entire bible will be on your device after you download the app.

This app includes:
- New American Bible Revised Edition (current Catholic Bible) in which you can:
-- Daily Readings
-- Bookmark verses
-- Copy verses
-- Highlight verses
-- Tweet verses
-- Increase/decrease font size by pinch out/in
-- Search in current chapter, current book, Old Testament, New Testament and entire Bible
-- Easily navigate to different book/chapter by selecting book title at the top
-- Swipe left/right to move between chapters
-- Hypertext cross references indicated in blue
-- Hypertext footnotes indicated by * in blue
-- Hypertext endnotes indicated by lower case letter in blue
-- Navigate back to previous link clicked
-- Bible Stories, Parables, Prayers
- Catholic Prayers
- Liturgical Calendar
- Local Catholic Places (map requires internet connection)

In the near future will be adding:
- more prayers
- and lots more