Clear Currency - convert currencies right within Safari

Clear Currency - convert currencies right within Safari sehr gutes Programm aus Davetech Co., Ltd.

Release-Datum 9 years ago 2.0 version.
Clear Currency is probably the best currency app, featured on App Store home page. Clear currency can even converts currencies in Safari and Widget, it supports many cool Apple features including 3D touch and spotlight search. It automatically updates/stores the latest exchange rates so it can work offline. Best currency app for both traveling and business.

Some cool features:
- Converts as many Currencies as you want at same time
- Converts Currencies in Safari
- Supports 3D touch and Spotlight Search
- Updates and stores currency exchange rates anytime
- 160+world currency and precious metals exchange rates
- Historical exchange rate chart of past week, month& year
- Convenient Today Widget currency converter
- Exchange rates monitor view
- Colorful themes available
- Currency Converter on the Apple Watch

Clear currency is the only currency app you need to keep.