Corte Inglés Department Stores

Corte Inglés Department Stores sehr gutes Programm aus El Corte Ingles S.A.

Release-Datum 13 years ago 3.3.1 version.
El Corte Inglés Department Stores features all the information you need on two major

fashion and luxury stores: Castellana in Madrid and Diagonal in Barcelona. Its multiple

services include:

Directions to the stores from your current location.

•Directory of all their floors and maps of all their services and brands.

•You can search available brands by product type: menswear, womenswear,

jewellery, watches, cosmetics, accessories.

•You can request information using the "Virtual assistant"

•The "Events" and "Highlights" tabs provide full information on all new brand

items and offers available in the stores.

•It contains information on in-store benefits for tourists

•It calculates the VAT refund for purchases made by tourists.

•Currency converter.