E Signature by JotNot (Free Edition): Sign documents electronically
E Signature by JotNot (Free Edition): Sign documents electronically sehr gutes Programm aus MobiTech 3000 LLC
Release-Datum 11 years ago
2.0 version.
E Signature by JotNot is the easiest way to sign documents on your iOS device.
If youre on the go and need to sign a document, simply import the document from another app or download it from the cloud (the app supports Dropbox, Box, and G-Drive). Then proceed with the following steps:
1) Open the file by tapping on it.
2) Swipe to the signature page
3) Tap and hold where you want to sign and E Signature will present a signature panel for you to sign.
4) Draw your signature. When you are done, click the "Use" button. JotNot will insert the signature into the document.
5) Optionally drag the signature should you need to reposition it.