Essential Levantine Arabic

Essential Levantine Arabic sehr gutes Programm aus Timothy Whiting

Release-Datum 4 years ago 3.6 version.
This is the complete version of Essential Levantine Arabic - which combines in one app:

Essential Levantine Verbs
Essential Levantine Nouns
Essential Levantine Functionals
Essential Levantine Adjectives

View over 700 verbs, 1000 nouns, 300 conjunctions prepositions and adverbs, and 200 adjectives - all in colloquial Levantine Arabic.

Vocabulary collected for the Levantine Arabic dialects:

● 700+ verbs grouped by verb form (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII, IIX, IX, X)
● 900+ nouns organised in 30+ categories
● 300+ Functionals - Conjunctions, prepositions adverbs
● 200+ Adjectives relating to moods, time, places, food, people, and more
● Search in English and Arabic
● Browse vocabulary grouped by category
● Save a list of your favourite words

Each verb includes:
・English definition
・Associated subject, object, and preposition
・Active Participle
・Passive Participle
・Verbal Noun
・Past tense
・Present tense (without ب) prefix
・Present tense (with ب prefix)
(Conjugated for: I, You (masc), You (fem), You (plural), We, She, He , They)

Please email [email protected] with any problems or suggestions.