Newschat - Escape the Echo

Newschat - Escape the Echo sehr gutes Programm aus Tim Whiting

Release-Datum 7 years ago 2 version.
Newschat is an objective news aggregator, that gets articles for you from multiple different sources, and groups them into conversation threads - to show you the different sides to every news story.

- Burst the news bubble
Seeing all the different interpretations of any event, gives you a better understanding of what has actually happened, and teaches you that there is no such thing as a definitive account of an event or story, there are only the subjective viewpoints.

- Making news social
Articles are organised just like in a group chat, with the news outlets each sending their version of the story in their own article. You can comment on any single article or article thread, and reply to the comments of other users in the app. Tag your friends in an interesting set of stories, or share the thread to social media.

Further to just being able to view the current top headlines and news stories, you can

- Search news from any date in the past three months
- Search for specific news events
- Read news threads by popular topics
- Read the raw articles direct from the agencies, within the app
- Save favourited articles and threads to your personal account
- View full lists of current articles from each specific news outlet
- Constantly experiment with over 100 worldwide news outlets

Full list of available news outlets:

-ABC News
-Al Jazeera English
-Ars Technica
-Associated Press
-BBC News
-BBC Sport
-Breitbart News
-Business Insider
-Business Insider (UK)
-Daily Mail
-Der Tagesspiegel
-Die Zeit
-Entertainment Weekly
-ESPN Cricket Info
-Financial Times
-Football Italia
-Fox News
-Fox Sports
-Google News
-Hacker News
-MTV News
-MTV News (UK)
-National Geographic
-New Scientist
-New York Magazine
-NFL News
-Reddit /r/all
-RT News
-Spiegel Online
-The Economist
-The Guardian (AU)
-The Guardian (UK)
-The Hindu
-The Huffington Post
-The Lad Bible
-The New York Times
-The Next Web
-The Sport Bible
-The Telegraph
-The Times of India
-The Verge
-The Wall Street Journal
-The Washington Post
-USA Today
-Wirtschafts Woche