Ezio Mobile by Gemalto

Ezio Mobile by Gemalto sehr gutes Programm aus Thales DIS (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Release-Datum 11 years ago 3.8.1 version.
Want to feel safe when banking or shopping online?
Ezio Mobile allows you to secure your digital operations: accessing your bank account, adding new beneficiaries, transferring money, managing your cards, and buying online. It protects you from the most advanced cyber-attacks, such as man-in-the-middle and social engineering, and mitigates mobile malware attacks. Ezio Mobile offers secure yet convenient multi-factor authentication including biometrics.
Ezio Mobile use cases include:
- Online banking: log in, add new beneficiary, transfer money
- Mobile banking
- P2P
- Card management
- Biometric authentication with fingerprint
- PIN authentication with randomized secure Pinpad
- Device binding
- Out-of-band authentication for non-mobile channels
- QR code support for enrollment and transaction signing
- Push notifications
- Secure Channel
- Secure storage
- Jailbreak/root detection, anti-debug, anti-hooking
- Advanced obfuscation
- HSM-based key protection
- Offline mode support