Face Morph - Image Morpher

Face Morph - Image Morpher sehr gutes Programm aus Max Shaw

Release-Datum 13 years ago 1.0 version.
★★★★★ Free for limited time only ★★★★★
Face Morph is a hilarious morphing app. Simply pick two faces and this app will morph them together. You can choose celebrity pictures or take your own pictures of your friends.

- 99% of the time gets a laugh every time
- Easily send to twitter or email to friends
- Define features to make morph more accurate
- Morphs in background

See celebrity examples at https://twitter.com/#!/FaceMorpher

- Visit https://twitter.com/#!/FaceMorpher/status/161915753346514945 to see help screen

- Use images from same angle
- Use lines to define major features
- First do quick morph to check alignment and then do full morph to get full animation