
FanFiction.Net sehr gutes Programm aus FictionPress Inc

Release-Datum 7 years ago 63.0 version.
Official app for FanFiction.Net is now on iOS!

* Read - Access millions of stories for free
* Write - Edit and Publish your stories on the go
* Text to Speech - Turn stories into audio books
* Translation: Read stories translated into your native language via our AI engine
* Syncing - Library/Downloaded syncing between devices
* Dictionary - Multi-language dictionary lookup
* Forums - Join writing groups or make friends with millions of other readers and writers.
* Push - Push notifications for Followed/Downloaded stories
* Private Messaging - Enjoying private communication with other users. Send text, image or voice messages.
* Community Archives - Start or browse story archives .
* Beta Readers - Browse and search for registered beta readers.
* Story Management - Browse and manage your favorites and follows.
* User Management - Browse and manage your favorites, follows, and others.

Please note Private Messaging (PM) feature is currently app to app only. PM site integration is coming soon in a future release.

Please email all feedback and bug reports to [email protected].
 FanFiction.Net Herunterladen von Apple App Store

Andere Anwendungen von FictionPress Inc
