Feestdagen Schoolvakanties NL

Feestdagen Schoolvakanties NL sehr gutes Programm aus Devart B.V.

Release-Datum 13 years ago 4.32 version.
Insert the Dutch holidays into your iPhone calendar with one tap. The holidays will be added as all-day events, you dont need any subscriptions. You can also select beforehand which holidays you want to add to your calendar, and apply this selection across all years. Saves you a lot typing for the upcoming years!

Once added all holidays can be easily edited, deleted or shifted to another calendar and synced with iCal, Google, Outlook, iCloud, etc


- Add country flags.
- Select individual holidays and years you want to add.
- Insert into a calendar of your choice (home, work).
- Apply your selection across all years.

- Duplicate Detector, deletes duplicates caused by overlapping calendars.
- Unique Holiday Cleaner.
- No subscriptions, you buy the holidays of one year for all calendars.


- Nederlandse feestdagen.

- Noemenswaardige dagen.

- Schoolvakanties.

- Boeddhistische, Christen, Hindoe, Islamitische, Joodse en Pagaanse feesten.

- Holidays of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zeeland, Panama, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Suriname, Thailand, South Afrika, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.

Week numbers you can add with our app: Week Numbers - ISO / European, US, Middle East, Simple, Custom Pro.