FMS Helper

FMS Helper sehr gutes Programm aus Mark Bateman

Release-Datum 15 years ago 1.3 version.
*** Now supports All iPhone screen sizes ***
*** TACAN channel numbers ***
*** Improved scroll speed ***
*** SearchBar stays in view during scroll ***


This is not a MAP application, please read the description

This application is for professional and private Pilots. It is a compact search tool used to help with programming your FMS / GPS either inflight or on the ground.

It helps you find ground based station Identifiers and frequencies for North American radio navigational aids when given the name during an ATC clearance.

As a pilot you often receive a revised clearance from ATC with several "Unknown" waypoints or ones that have identifiers that are very different from their name.

With this app you will no longer need to "Break out" the charts or attempt to get more info from a busy ATC frequency.

When you launch the app you will see the main screen. It is the master index for all VOR/ NDBs in North America. To find one just tap on the search bar and enter the first few letters of the fix, the list will narrow as you type.

As you can see for each fix the ident, fixtype, frequency and state showing you the information you need to program your FMS / GPS flight plan.

E.G. if cleared to "Colliers" you just type in "col" and you will see the station identifier, station type, frequency and location, in this case "IRQ" that you will need to enter into your FMS / GPS.
 FMS Helper Herunterladen von Apple App Store

Andere Anwendungen von Mark Bateman

FMS Helper
Piaggio Pilot
Notam Helper