Fractions Calculator Lite sehr gutes Programm aus Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd
Release-Datum 14 years ago
2.3 version.
5 3/16 + (12.11 - 1/8)*2.0 = 11663/400
To get the answer which you can then show as 29 63/400, or 29.1575
Fractions Calculator is a fraction calculator that does mixed or whole fractions & decimal arithmetic with support for brackets "(". This covers most of the work you need to do with fractions, and we record the results a "paper tape" which you can scroll to review, with the ability to select and copy.
We can show the result as a fraction, whole fraction or as a decimal number and support x to the power of y, with unlimited precision factorials
Numerical accuracy is retained, no rounding or iffy answers.
Andere Anwendungen von Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd