The Jerx

The Jerx sehr gutes Programm aus Marc Kerstein

Release-Datum 8 years ago 2.3.5 version.
The Jerx App is a utility magic app that can be used to create a myriad of different effects, including:

- A Cute Memory Loss: Cause a spectator to forget something she just saw.

- Pee Hill Pot: Induce a mild, momentary loss of cognitive ability. Just by touching your spectators head you reduce their reading ability to that of a 6-year-old.

- ScribBold: You read a spectators mind, or one spectator reads anothers mind to determine a thought of word or concept that is never written down or spoken aloud.

- Chocolate/Vanilla Twist: A perfect 50/50 prediction.

- Digital Linger: Create dual-reality effects for one person.

- I Know What You Need: Apparently implant a thought in a spectators mind (requires The Jerx, Volume One book).