
Jotana sehr gutes Programm aus The Grizzly Labs

Release-Datum 12 years ago 1.2.1 version.
Jotana is the easiest way to quickly send tasks to Asana. It was design to just throw a task in Asana that you can organize later.

Have you ever forgotten a "todo" because you couldnt write it down immediately? Thats exactly this problem that Jotana solves by starting quickly and making it simple to send a task to Asana.

- Type a text, tap send and the task is in your Asana project.
- The first sentence will be used for the task title, the remaining sentences will go in the task notes.
- You can choose which project the tasks go to
- Multiple color schemes are available to suit your mood
- Light app, starts super fast

To login into the app, you will need to use your API key. You can find your API key in your account settings. We are working with the Asana team to try to make this process simpler.