Kiwi Queue: watch later sehr gutes Programm aus Marcos Antonio Tanaka
Release-Datum 6 years ago
2.3 version.
Keep track of new videos from your YouTube subscriptions and save them to watch later. Also, get your feed back to chronological order!
Kiwi Queue has two simple workflows: ORGANIZE videos you want to watch, and WATCH them:
- New videos appear on Subscriptions tab
- Choose whether you want to Watch Later ou Archive
- Archived videos are removed from the list
- Videos saved for later are queued on To Watch tab
- With one touch, stream all videos you saved for later
- Easy access from the Home Screen with 3D Touch support
- Reorder videos as you want
- Watched videos are automatically removed from the queue (or not if you dont want that)
Kiwi Queue is ad-supported. You can remove ads with an In-App Purchase.