mixlib - playlist converter

mixlib - playlist converter sehr gutes Programm aus FrenchKiss Development

Release-Datum 8 years ago 1.6.5 version.
Mixlib can transfer playlists, favorites albums or favorites tracks between these streaming services:

-Apple Music

The Problem: Matching song between services.
It may seem obvious but it is not. Thats why other services sometimes only transfer half the content of your playlists.

The Solution: mixlib tries its best to find good matching songs and albums. Using several methods, taking into account region restriction, etc.

-Step by step process
-Select which items to export.
-Review results before exporting.
-Side by side view of covert arts.
-Manual search for better matching results (useful for remixes)

Mixlib works best with stable network connections (Wifi, LTE).
The conversion process can take some time so please be patient. :)

Please, send us any remarks or complaints to [email protected].
 mixlib - playlist converter Herunterladen von Apple App Store

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mixlib - playlist converter