Movies Box & TV Show sehr gutes Programm aus Vlad Khodiachiy
Release-Datum 3 years ago
1.2.2 version.
- Discover Now Playing / Popular / Top / Trending / Upcoming / Best Of Years Movies & TV Shows
- Quick search for movies and TV series by title
- Watch trailers and other videos
- Create your own watchlists for movies
- TV series calendar
- Detailed information about movies and TV series
- Rate Movies/TV shows in app and explore other rating
- Complete list of episodes for TV series with complete information about the episodes
- Search for services where you can buy, rent, stream films and series
- Watch videos (HD fullsreen) about movies and TV shows without leaving the app
- Profiles of actors with their full filmography
- Simple and user-friendly application interface
- Browsing history
- No account required
In the application, you cannot watch films and series for free, but you can find in the application a complete description of the series and films and also the service on which you can watch them.
All movies information and images are from licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0:
This app uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb: