Music GOST PRO - Listen free music sehr gutes Programm aus Aleksei Neiman
Release-Datum 9 years ago
1.3.1 version.
Search your favorite tracks from SoundCloud®. Unlimited free legal music. Play and listen tracks!
√ Search for artist, DJ, song, remix or cover
√ Stream music in one tap
√ scrobbling
Music player:
√ Full featured media player
√ Gesture recognition
√ Lock screen playback controls
√ Fine scrubbing
√ Background music playback
√ Album covers
Music Genres:
√ Alternative
√ Ambient
√ Classial
√ Country
√ Dance
√ Deep
√ Disco
√ Dubstep
√ Electronic
√ Hip Hop
√ Jazz
√ Latin
√ R&B
√ Rock
and many more!