My Cat Whistle

My Cat Whistle sehr gutes Programm aus iCandi Apps

Release-Datum 15 years ago 1.1 version.
My Cat Whistle - The Perfect Way to Attract Your Cat!

Ever wish you didnt have to draw attention to yourself by saying silly names or making silly noises at the front door, as you try and find your cat?

Well with My Cat Whistle you no longer need face either of these problems. Simply tap the buttons and your iPhone or iPod touch will emit high frequency sounds, designed to get your cats attention and hopefully bring your cat back to you!

Try all the frequencies with your pet today! It may just be what you needed to make things a little bit easier :)

Disclaimer: The user assumes full responsibility for their actions and results of using this application. By using this application you agree to use it sensibly. If your pet appears to dislike the sound or is causing them unnecessary discomfort we advise you to cease using the application immediately.