Password Manager - Privacy Data Vault, Private Web

Password Manager - Privacy Data Vault, Private Web sehr gutes Programm aus Eduardo Lostal

Release-Datum 11 years ago 1.8.9 version.
How many passwords do you need to remember?
One? Or one hundred?
Now the answer can be ONE!

You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one key. So you only have to remember one single password to unlock the whole database.

ANY passwords can be saved here: Emails, Notes, Bank Account, Credit Card, ID, Passport, Social Security Number, Insurance Card, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon and many many more!!!

Some Awesome Features:
* VARIOUS kinds passwords can be safely protected
* Single tap to automatically log into websites
* Backup database to computer to keep it safely
You could restore all your information even if your iPhone was stolen.