Remote Code Database

Remote Code Database sehr gutes Programm aus InForce Studios Inc.

Release-Datum 14 years ago 2.1 version.
Why search the manual? Or spend forever on the internet? Just select your device and all available codes will be displayed for programming your universal remote control! More below...

Over 1000 remote codes! TV, DVD, Satellite, PVR, Cable Box, Console, and even those obscure accessories!

This app is a database for easy reference - Grab your 3 or 4 digit codes for popular brands like Sony, Samsung, Sharp, Panasonic, LG & many, many more - this App has got you covered.

---> Home Theatre, Cable & Satellite Installers: Get equipped with a powerful database for instantly finding any device code your customers home theatre might throw at you. Get all their devices on one remote fast!

Weve made the Top 25 in Reference!
 Remote Code Database Herunterladen von Apple App Store

Andere Anwendungen von InForce Studios Inc.

Remote Code Database