Runners Cadence Trainer

Runners Cadence Trainer sehr gutes Programm aus Carleton Hall

Release-Datum 9 years ago 2.0.1 version.
This app is for runners who want to dial-in their running cadence.

Cadence Trainer:
- Set a cadence between 150-210 Steps-per-Minute and listen to an audible sound through your headphones to set your pace. Listen with or without music.
- Unlike similar apps, the pace of the tone does not fluctuate when the app goes into the background.
- The cadence sound is a low pitch that is designed to work well in conjunction with headphones and not irritate ones ears.

Cadence Meter:
- Ever want to know what a runners pace is by watching? Use the Cadence Meter function to tap out the runners steps to reveal their cadence.

Pace Calculator:
- Enter target time and stride length and calculate your target pace in Min/Mile or Min/KM.