A Safe Period Calculator - Stop Undesired Pregnancy by Knowing Your Fertile & Infertile Days of the Month Through The Best Natural Birth Controller Method & Live Risk Free!

A Safe Period Calculator - Stop Undesired Pregnancy by Knowing Your Fertile & Infertile Days of the Month Through The Best Natural Birth Controller Method & Live Risk Free! sehr gutes Programm aus Ranuza Begum

Release-Datum 11 years ago 1.2 version.

This application is exactly for you if -

- You don’t want to have sex with your partner with condoms every times of the month.
- You don’t want to follow any regular or emergency contraceptive pills.
- And most obviously you want to avoid the undesired & unplanned pregnancy.

You just input your last periods starting date & this app will tell you whether you are free to have sex without any condoms & emergency contraceptive pills to get the proper feelings & to avoid the powerful emergency contraceptive pills or whether you are in a risky period to have sex without any condom/contraceptive! Its very simple to use!