Severance Calculator

Severance Calculator sehr gutes Programm aus Play Dynamics Inc

Release-Datum 5 years ago 1.6.4 version.
Lost your job? Find out how much severance your employer must pay you. The severance calculator is the easiest way for employees and employers to determine the amount of severance that has to be paid. The severance calculator was created by employment lawyer Lior Samfiru (; toll free: 1-855-821-5900) to allow everyone to better understand what must be paid if employment is terminated.

An employee that is let go from a job is entitled to compensation. This is referred to as severance, termination pay or pay in lieu of notice. How much compensation, depends on a number of factors, including the person’s age, the length of employment, the type of job and whether the person signed a contract of employment. The only way an employer can completely avoid paying the employee this compensation is if it has “cause” to terminate the employment as a result of the employee’s wilful misconduct. That is extremely difficult for the employer to prove.

The entitlements are NOT 1 weeks’ pay for every year of service, or any other such formula. Every case is different. The severance calculator allows an employee or employer understand their rights and obligations and find out how much severance is owed.

To find out more about severance, termination and wrongful dismissal, please visit