
Swaipu sehr gutes Programm aus Giorgio Calderolla

Release-Datum 10 years ago 1.2 version.
Learning Japanese is fun, but studying its writing system can be overwhelming. Swaipu is here to help!

• Stay in the Flow
Swaipus studying method is very simple. Guess a flash card, touch it to reveal the solution, swipe it off to the right if you guessed right, to the left if you guessed wrong.

• Kanji
Swaipu contains 20 decks of kanji flash cards. All kanji in current use are included.

You can get your feet wet with the beginner decks - they contain basic and very useful kanji, but most importantly, theyre small and not intimidating at all :) Youll master them in no time.

There are decks for all the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) exams, N1 through N5. You can also study by school grade, or if youre up for a challenge, even study all of the standard Jōyō kanji at once.

Sometimes meanings and readings arent enough - you might want to look up radicals, example sentences, and more. Thats why Swaipu integrates with "Nihongo: a modern Japanese dictionary", a fantastic Japanese dictionary app. One tap on the magnifying glass, and youll get all the information you can ask for.

• Kana
Swaipu also comes with 12 decks for Hiragana and Katakana. All kana in current use are included.

Not sure how to pronounce a kana? No problem, just tap the speaker button and Swaipu will speak it for you.

Id love to know what you think of Swaipu! You can reach me using the Send Feedback button in the app, or on Twitter @mipstian.

This app was built with love and patience. I hope youll enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed designing and building it.

Have fun, and good luck with your studies!