Toxic Killers - TOP 30 of the Most Venomous Ani...
Toxic Killers - TOP 30 of the Most Venomous Ani... sehr gutes Programm aus Mullen & Pohland GbR
Release-Datum 14 years ago
1.4 version.
This application describes in detail the 30 deadliest animals in the world that kill with their poison!
This app is now fully compatible with the iPad.
Shake your iPhone and hear a victim scream - and find out on the appearing screen what the animal will do to you when you get bitten!
This app is full of interesting facts: Did you know that in Brazil more people die by accidentally touching a small, deadly, hairy caterpillar than of snake bites?!? Or did you know that Blue Mussels are usually edible but when they have fed on certain algae the intoxication can lead to "Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning", a neurotoxic syndrome which leads to severe amnesia?
Each of the described natural born killers is illustrated with high resolution photographs. You will learn interesting terrifying facts about the poisonous Fugu Fish, the venomous Banana Spider or dangerous creatures you probably have never heard of such as the paralyzing Cone Snail or Deathstalker.
This app will work from iOS 4.0 up to the latest iOS version.
Animals covered in detail:
Fugu Fish
Reef Stonefish
Blue-spotted Fantail Ray
Red Lionfish
Black Mamba
Cape Cobra
Arabian Carpet Viper
Eastern Coral Snake
Russells Viper
Inland Taipan
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Army Ant
Fattail Scorpion
Beaded Lizard
Wandering Spider
Banana Spider
Funnelweb Spider
Honey Bee
Textile Cone Shell
Centipede or Scolopender
Hairy Caterpillar
Golden Poison Frog
Portuguese Man o War
Spanish Fly
Blue Mussel
Sea Urchin