USA - Travel Guides sehr gutes Programm aus JOhn Lyons
Release-Datum 12 years ago
5 version.
While the country is very large in area, the United States does offer everything one could ask for. Tropical locations in Hawaii and Florida, unique landmarks in the Statue of Liberty, Grand Canyon and Washington D.C, and wonderful cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston. The country would take a long time to explore, but every region offers a different culture and its own set of wonderful sights.
The best travel guide for your device, the easiest to use, and it works on your iPad and iPhone. Using great photos, we have all the must see location, country info, and Points of Interest that you will need to make the most from your journey.
- All the must see locations, including nearby places of interest, and upcoming events
- Useful locations like Hotels, Restaurants, Camping locations and more
- Keep your friends updated with a Travel Blog, managed easily from in the app
- Weather updates, updated daily from Yahoo weather
- Currency Conversion, for any currency on the plane
- Time conversion, find out what time it is in USA
- Country info, with best time to go, Weather, Visa, Money, Getting around, and more.
- Bookmark feature lets you plan your vacation by listing your favourite places.
- Easy to use
- Lots of great pictures
This app is updated every few weeks with new must see locations, new events and more info.