Wealth Teams Simple Retirement sehr gutes Programm aus People Tech
Release-Datum 7 years ago
1.0 version.
What is your Number – the amount of capital you need to reach your retirement income objective. Algorithm requires inputs of 1) desired income at retirement, 2) Age income commences, 3) Expected social security, 4) When social security starts, 5) How much capital you have already saved, 6) Your current age, 7) Age you want to stop saving for retirement, 8) Expected inflation, 9) Your annualized rate of return and 10) How much you can save each month? The graph will show you how much money you will have at retirement and then how long it will last, year by year. You will see on the graph, how long your money will last. You can change the variables, the amount you save, your capital, your annual return, starting age. See what you have to save to reach your retirement goal. Very Simple.