Weipo - Better Chinese reading skills.

Weipo - Better Chinese reading skills. sehr gutes Programm aus Liaoyuan Huo

Release-Datum 9 years ago 1.0.2 version.
Weipo is a weibo.com content reader designed for intermediate-level and advanced-level Chinese language learners. As the largest micro-blogging website in China, weibo.com provides a large number of reading materials each day. With the help of Weipo, users can access weibo.com contents with Pinyin annotated and words separated, which can help them read Chinese more easily.

Weipo 是为中级和高级汉语学习者设计的新浪微博客户端。通过 Weipo,汉语学习者可以阅读包含拼音标注的微博内容。汉语学习者还可以轻松点选微博中的词语,并查看词语的 HSK 等级。