XML Notepad

XML Notepad sehr gutes Programm aus zapfware

Release-Datum 10 years ago 2.0.5 version.
If you are looking for an easy, lightweight and convenient xml editor, this is the right tool for you.
Editing a xml file is no rocket science anymore.
You dont need to have developer skills anymore to edit xml files. Dont be afraid.

Note: This is not an swiss army knife for XML.
There is no overhead with XPath and all that stuff.
This tool can open only well formed xml and it neither tells you what is wrong with the document nor repairs it.
For this puprpose you will need an expensive "swiss army knife" tool.

Just edit, rearrange nodes or create new xml documents.
Thats it.

Currently assigned file extensions:
xml, gpx, kml, html, xhtml, xht, vrml, svg, mml, rss, xaml, x3d, x3dv, x3db, dae, gml, lg, xliff, xlf, ts, plist, xib, storyboard, tmx, ts, 4dlink, cfg, dbk, wsdl, xsd, xsl, xslt

If you are missing or like to have some additional extensions assigned, please contact me.